Trees can be a fantastic way to add a little privacy, character or colour to your garden. However, there are thousands of trees available, so making a decision as to which works best for your garden can be a little tricky.
Below, we have put together a short guide to six of the best native trees that work for UK gardens, which were also available from the Tree O’Clock giveaway scheme in November 2009.
Silver birch
(Betula Pendula)
Common names: East Asian white birch, Silver birch or Warty birch
Mature size: 15 – 25 m

The silver birch requires plenty of light and grows best in infertile ground, with plenty of sand and gravels. The silver birch grows to around 20m, and it has a beautiful white bark. It works particularly well in town gardens.
Field maple:
(Acer Campestre)
Common name: Field Maple
Mature size: 15–25 m

This tree is fairly small and will grow to around 20m. It is particularly dense if clipped properly (we’d advise trimming every July). In the autumn, the field maple has stunning orange and red hues. Ideally, ensure your field maple has plenty of sunshine or partial shade.
Common names: Hawthorn, Thornapple, May-tree, Whitethorn, or Hawberry
Mature size: 5–15 m
This is a very common type of tree and a particularly popular one with pretty flowers appearing in May and red berries in autumn and winter – perfect for the birds! A hawthorn tree grows to around 14m.
(Corylus Avellana)
Common name: Hazel
Mature size: Can reach a height of 12m

If you want to attract wildlife to your garden, the hazel tree is a fantastic option as squirrels and birds in particular love feasting on hazel nuts. Better still, you can tuck into them, too! A hazel tree is very small, growing to just 9m in height. When trimmed regularly, this tree can become very dense, which makes it a fantastic option if you’re seeking a little privacy.
(Orbus Aucuparia)
Common name: Rowan, Mountain Ash
Mature size: 5 -20 m
One of our personal favourites and certainly a picturesque option, a rowan tree grows to around 20m and has pretty white flowers, red berries and widely spread, green leaves. The berries are edible, however you shouldn’t eat them without cooking them. The berries from the rowan tree can be made into a tasty jelly that is high in vitamin C.
Wild cherry:
(Prunus Avium)
Common name: Wild Cherry
Mature size: 15–32 m
Despite its name, the red berries that grow on the wild cherry tree are not your normal cherries. They are not edible, however, they are also not poisonous, so birds will snack on them in the summer. The wild cherry tree grows to around 20m and is a pretty addition to a countryside property.
Why not get green-fingered and liven up your garden with a new addition?